Located in Clarksville, VA.

Three Sisters of Shiney Rock
Can you provide a brief overview of the history and founding of your winery?
We are a small country vineyard that specializes in indigenous muscadine and scuppernong grapes. Muscadine and scuppernong grapes produce 8 to one European grapes and do not require pesticides, fungicides or the likes and contain chromosomes that add to their outstanding antioxidant levels.
What inspired the establishment of your winery, and how has it evolved over the years? The vineyard is located on the family farm that was established in 1911 and has been handed down to family members ever since. The vineyard began in 2010 as an effort to keep the farm in the family.
Are there any unique stories or anecdotes associated with the founding of your winery?
No one gets paid. All proceeds go into maintaining the farm as a labor of love.
Can you highlight a few of your flagship or signature wines and what makes them stand out?
Our Perky Poma Mama is made of muscadines and pomegranate wines and is considered very popular.
Are there any particular vintages that you are especially proud of, and why?
We consider them all special.
How do you approach the creation of new wine varieties or blends?
We maintain the same basic recipe and hold our alcohol to 11%.
Are there specific grape varieties that thrive in your vineyards, and why were they chosen?
Noble and Magnolia varieties were selected for their size.
Describe the atmosphere and experience visitors can expect at your tasting room.
Our customers enjoy the no-frill atmosphere where only our country wine is our primary form of entertainment.
What do you hope guests take away from their visit to your winery?
Virginia has a successful indigenous grape. They are usually surprised that muscadines produce so much. We could not produce anymore without hiring employees.
How does your winery engage with the local community?
We are farmers like our neighbors.
Are there sustainability initiatives or practices your winery is involved in?
Our wine is handmade. No heavy mechanization is utilized.
Do you support any charitable or environmental causes?
Yes. Most local events.
To learn more about Chrysalis Vineyards, visit their website here!
Stay tuned for more Vineyard Spotlights!
About the VWDC
Established by the Virginia General Assembly in 2007, the Virginia Winery Distribution Company (VWDC) is a non-profit, non-stock corporation housed within the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) to provide wholesale wine distribution services for licensed Virginia wineries and farm wineries.